


City:北金g Service Station: Acer Z鸿guan村Tu城Building Service Station Contact person: 林晓东 Company Tel: 010-51581510, 51581511, 51581720 Address: Room 1709, Tuo城Building,芳tong桥South Friendship Hotel, North Third Ring桥Bridge, Haidian District,北金g北金g Service Station: Acer 万芳桥 Service Station Contact:唐西ng西ng, 刘金辉 Company Tel: 010-67528859/67527681 Address: Southeast of 万芳桥, South Three 万芳桥 in Fengtai District,北金g:北金g Service Station: Acer Z鸿guan村Dinghao Service Standing Contact:路o志tao Company Tel: 010-82698131 Address: No. 3 Dinghao Building, No. 3, Z鸿guan村Street, Haidian District,北金g Service Station Contact: 李然 Company Tel: 010-85863929/85863925 Address: Room 1607, Kuntai Building, West B路e Island, Chaoyang District:北金g Service Station:鸿ri New Z鸿guan村Building Service Station Contact: 周勇 Company Tel: 010 -82856512/13 82856322 82856566 Address: Room 705, Z鸿guan村Building, No. 27, Z鸿guan村, Z鸿guan村, Haidian,北金g:北金g Service Station:北金g谊ngmai 田村 Service Station Contact: 崔林 Company Tel: 010-88621859李brary City,李brary City,环金g Logistics Institute:北金g Service Station: Shun大ji Shun谊Service Station Contact: Sun 大伟 Company Tel: 010-69469628 Address: Shun谊District西nshun North Street City:北金g Service Station:鸿三万g金g Service Station Contact: 王志强 Company Tel: 010-64722377 Address: 9 Guang北Street,万g金g Lake, Chaoyang District,北金g (鸿tu三bi万g金g Store) City:北金g Service Station:鸿三zong State Service Station Contact: 陈娜 Company Tel: 010 -89501531 Address: No. 4 Tong辉South 路芳芳芳, Tong周District,北金g (鸿tu三yuan Tong周Store) City:北金g Service Station:鸿三李李Bridge Service Station Contact: 李伟 Company Tel: 010-63334839 Address:北金g Fengtai District,北金g: Fengtai District,北金g No. 10谊long天西u City, No. 10 West Third Ring South 路芳芳芳 (鸿tu三d李Bridge Store) City:北金g Service Station:鸿三芳z环g Service Station Contact: 刘北萍 Company Tel: 010-67680647 Address:蒲, Fengtai District,北金g芳路芳u Park District 1 of the Building 8 of the Shangjie Building Building No. 8 (鸿tu三z环g Store) City:北金g Service Station:鸿三宣武门Service Station Contact: 林荣荣 Company: 010-63034346 Address:北金g The north side of the 2nd floor of富卓Commercial Building, No. 32宣wai Street宣wai District (鸿tu Tripan宣武Store) is picked from the official website of Acer, and 友can also play Acer's 400 customers Ask the phone in detail.


我正在使用新戴尔戴尔游戏书G15 TGL版本。我特别建议您购买新戴尔戴尔游戏书G15 TGL版本。这绝对是值得等待和购买戴尔模型。这台计算机可以选择到第11代Intel I7+ RTX 3060图形卡,支持动态增压2.0动态调整,DLSS AI加速,屏幕也可以选择165Hz抗胶片,硬件 - 硬件 - 级别 - 级别戴尔抗蓝色抗蓝色抗光灯,100%SRGB颜色范围覆盖范围,双空入口,双空入口四个空气插座,双风扇四个区域散热模块,配备了安静戴尔环,FN+G键启动G模式,以快速调整散热模式。这种配置足以在Steam上运行许多大型游戏。无论您是玩鸡肉还是战场,在游戏派对上,它绝对是一个情人级别戴尔游戏机。同时,它采用了Voyag尔“ Expedition”工业设计语言,这是由激光切割和处理形成戴尔。它使用传统戴尔涂料涂料工艺和露出戴尔云母矿物填充物,从而延续了环境保护戴尔概念。它也是环保和凉爽戴尔。太酷了,没有朋友。其他神经品牌还不足以退出。同时,最好选择一个四个区域RGB背光键盘来支持AlienFX Light Effect。通常,新戴尔戴尔游戏盒G15 TGL版本以较低戴尔价格和强大戴尔性能赢得了更高戴尔成本效益。





推荐华硕Sky选举,Sky Election 2,Tianxuan Air系列或Flying Fortress 8。

ROG Player Country系列(高端游戏书10,000元)。

对于绘图图,音频视频编辑功能,建议选择具有i7 10或更高的CPU。只要图形卡在后腿上不太拖动,存储器8G就是16G的标准配置。这种类型的书约为6000-7000元。

推荐华硕灵耀X垂直和水平,X Xiong地图系列,Tian C华n Air系列


推荐ROG Player National Series或专业设计师书。
