
用伽利略卫星导航系统来实时定位伽玛暴2022年5月19日arXiv:2205.08637 [pdf, other]A proposed network of Gamma-ray Burst detectors on the Global Navigation Satellite System Galileo G2J. Greiner, U. Hugentobler, J.M. Burgess, F. Berlato, M. Rott, A. TsvetkovaComments: A&A (accepted); 25 pages, 108 figuresSubjects: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM); High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)The accurate localization of gamma-ray bursts remains a crucial task. While historically, improved localization have led to the discovery of afterglow emission and the realization of their cosmological distribution via redshift measurements, a more recent requirement comes with the potential of studying the kilonovae of neutron star mergers. Gravitational wave detectors are expected to provide locations to not better than 10 square degrees over the next decade. With their increasing horizon for merger detections also the intensity of the gamma-ray and kilonova emission drops, making their identification in large error boxes a challenge. Thus, a localization via the gamma-ray emission seems to be the best chance to mitigate this problem. Here we propose to equip some of the second generation Galileo satellites with dedicated GRB detectors. This saves costs for launches and satellites for a dedicated GRB network, the large orbital radius is beneficial for triangulation, and perfect positional and timing accuracy come for free. We present simulations of the triangulation accuracy, demonstrating that short GRBs as faint as GRB 170817A can be localized to 1 degree radius (1 sigma).这篇文章首先分析了各种伽玛暴定位的方式各有优缺点IPN的缺点是得等数据都传下来后慢慢分析, 需要一两天的时间。用伽利略定位系统做中介的好处就是可以实时。 原理和IPN是一样的。

