强化学习实战 | 表格型Q-Learning玩井子棋(三)优化,优化

强化学习实战 | 表格型Q-Learning玩井子棋(三)优化,优化

在 强化学习实战 | 表格型Q-Learning玩井字棋(二)开始训练!中,我们让agent“简陋地”训练了起来,经过了耗费时间的10万局游戏过后,却效果平平,尤其是初始状态的数值表现和预期相差不小。我想主要原因就是没有采用等价局面同步更新的方法,导致数据利用率较低。等价局面有7个,分别是:旋转90°,旋转180°,旋转270°,水平翻转,垂直翻转,旋转90°+水平翻转,旋转90°+垂直翻转,如下图所示。另外,在生成等价局面的同时,也要生成等价的动作,这样才能实现完整的Q值更新。


def rotate(array): # Input: np.array [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]    list_ = list(array)    list_[:] = map(list,zip(*list_[::-1]))     return np.array(list_) # Output: np.array [[7,4,1],[8,5,2],[9,6,3]]def flip(array_, direction): # Input: np.array [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]    array = array_.copy()    n = int(np.floor(len(array)/2))    if direction == 'vertical': # Output: np.array [[7,8,9],[4,5,6],[1,2,3]]        for i in range(n):            temp = array[i].copy()            array[i] = array[-i-1].copy()            array[-i-1] = temp    elif direction == 'horizon': # Output: np.array [[3,2,1],[6,5,4],[9,8,7]]        for i in range(n):            temp = array[:,i].copy()            array[:,i] = array[:,-i-1]            array[:,-i-1] = temp    return array


函数名为 genEqualStateAndAction(state, action),定义在 Agent() 类中。

def genEqualStateAndAction(self, state_, action_): # Input: np.array, tuple(x,y)        state, action = state_.copy(), action_        equalStates, equalActions = [], []                # 原局面        equalStates.append(state)        equalActions.append(action)                # 水平翻转        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        state_tf = flip(state_tf, 'horizon')        action_state_tf = flip(action_state_tf, 'horizon')        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 垂直翻转        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        state_tf = flip(state_tf, 'vertical')        action_state_tf = flip(action_state_tf, 'vertical')        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 旋转90°        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        for i in range(1):            state_tf = rotate(state_tf)            action_state_tf = rotate(action_state_tf)        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 旋转180°        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        for i in range(2):            state_tf = rotate(state_tf)            action_state_tf = rotate(action_state_tf)        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 旋转270°        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        for i in range(3):            state_tf = rotate(state_tf)            action_state_tf = rotate(action_state_tf)        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 旋转90° + 水平翻转        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        for i in range(1):            state_tf = rotate(state_tf)            action_state_tf = rotate(action_state_tf)        state_tf = flip(state_tf, 'horizon')        action_state_tf = flip(action_state_tf, 'horizon')        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 旋转90° + 垂直翻转        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        for i in range(1):            state_tf = rotate(state_tf)            action_state_tf = rotate(action_state_tf)        state_tf = flip(state_tf, 'vertical')        action_state_tf = flip(action_state_tf, 'vertical')        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                        return equalStates, equalActions



需要修改方法 addNewState(self, env_, currentMove) 和方法 updateQtable(self, env_, currentMove, done_),整体代码如下:

import gymimport randomimport timeimport numpy as npimport pickle # 保存/读取字典# 查看所有已注册的环境# from gym import envs# print(envs.registry.all()) # 读取字典try:       with open('Q_table_dict.pkl', 'rb') as f:        Q_table_pkl = pickle.load(f)except:    Q_table_pkl = {}def str2tuple(string): # Input: '(1,1)'    string2list = list(string)    return ( int(string2list[1]), int(string2list[4]) ) # Output: (1,1)def rotate(array): # Input: np.array [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]    list_ = list(array)    list_[:] = map(list,zip(*list_[::-1]))     return np.array(list_) # Output: np.array [[7,4,1],[8,5,2],[9,6,3]]def flip(array_, direction): # Input: np.array [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]    array = array_.copy()    n = int(np.floor(len(array)/2))    if direction == 'vertical': # Output: np.array [[7,8,9],[4,5,6],[1,2,3]]        for i in range(n):            temp = array[i].copy()            array[i] = array[-i-1].copy()            array[-i-1] = temp    elif direction == 'horizon': # Output: np.array [[3,2,1],[6,5,4],[9,8,7]]        for i in range(n):            temp = array[:,i].copy()            array[:,i] = array[:,-i-1]            array[:,-i-1] = temp    return arrayclass Game():    def __init__(self, env):        self.INTERVAL = 0 # 行动间隔        self.RENDER = False # 是否显示游戏过程        self.first = 'blue' if random.random() > 0.5 else 'red' # 随机先后手        self.currentMove = self.first        self.env = env        self.agent = Agent()            def switchMove(self): # 切换行动玩家        move = self.currentMove        if move == 'blue': self.currentMove = 'red'        elif move == 'red': self.currentMove = 'blue'            def newGame(self): # 新建游戏        self.first = 'blue' if random.random() > 0.5 else 'red'        self.currentMove = self.first        self.env.reset()        self.agent.reset()            def run(self): # 玩一局游戏        self.env.reset() # 在第一次step前要先重置环境,不然会报错        while True:            # print(f'--currentMove: {self.currentMove}--')            self.agent.updateQtable(self.env, self.currentMove, False)                        if self.currentMove == 'blue':                self.agent.lastState_blue = self.env.state.copy()            elif self.currentMove == 'red':                self.agent.lastState_red = self.agent.overTurn(self.env.state) # 红方视角需将状态翻转                            action = self.agent.epsilon_greedy(self.env, self.currentMove)            if self.currentMove == 'blue':                self.agent.lastAction_blue = action['pos']            elif self.currentMove == 'red':                self.agent.lastAction_red = action['pos']                        state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action)            if done:                self.agent.lastReward_blue = reward                self.agent.lastReward_red = -1 * reward                self.agent.updateQtable(self.env, self.currentMove, True)            else:                     if self.currentMove == 'blue':                    self.agent.lastReward_blue = reward                elif self.currentMove == 'red':                    self.agent.lastReward_red = -1 * reward                        if self.RENDER: self.env.render()            self.switchMove()            time.sleep(self.INTERVAL)            if done:                self.newGame()                if self.RENDER: self.env.render()                time.sleep(self.INTERVAL)                break                    class Agent():    def __init__(self):        self.Q_table = Q_table_pkl        self.EPSILON = 0.05        self.ALPHA = 0.5        self.GAMMA = 1 # 折扣因子        self.lastState_blue = None        self.lastAction_blue = None        self.lastReward_blue = None        self.lastState_red = None        self.lastAction_red = None        self.lastReward_red = None            def reset(self):        self.lastState_blue = None        self.lastAction_blue = None        self.lastReward_blue = None        self.lastState_red = None        self.lastAction_red = None        self.lastReward_red = None            def getEmptyPos(self, state): # 返回空位的坐标        action_space = []        for i, row in enumerate(state):            for j, one in enumerate(row):                if one == 0: action_space.append((i,j))         return action_space            def randomAction(self, env_, mark): # 随机选择空格动作        actions = self.getEmptyPos(env_)        action_pos = random.choice(actions)        action = {'mark':mark, 'pos':action_pos}        return action            def overTurn(self, state): # 翻转状态        state_ = state.copy()        for i, row in enumerate(state_):            for j, one in enumerate(row):                if one != 0: state_[i][j] *= -1        return state_            def genEqualStateAndAction(self, state_, action_): # Input: np.array, tuple(x,y)        state, action = state_.copy(), action_        equalStates, equalActions = [], []                # 原局面        equalStates.append(state)        equalActions.append(action)                # 水平翻转        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        state_tf = flip(state_tf, 'horizon')        action_state_tf = flip(action_state_tf, 'horizon')        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 垂直翻转        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        state_tf = flip(state_tf, 'vertical')        action_state_tf = flip(action_state_tf, 'vertical')        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 旋转90°        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        for i in range(1):            state_tf = rotate(state_tf)            action_state_tf = rotate(action_state_tf)        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 旋转180°        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        for i in range(2):            state_tf = rotate(state_tf)            action_state_tf = rotate(action_state_tf)        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 旋转270°        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        for i in range(3):            state_tf = rotate(state_tf)            action_state_tf = rotate(action_state_tf)        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 旋转90° + 水平翻转        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        for i in range(1):            state_tf = rotate(state_tf)            action_state_tf = rotate(action_state_tf)        state_tf = flip(state_tf, 'horizon')        action_state_tf = flip(action_state_tf, 'horizon')        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                # 旋转90° + 垂直翻转        state_tf = state.copy()        action_state_tf = np.zeros(state.shape)        action_state_tf[action] = 1        for i in range(1):            state_tf = rotate(state_tf)            action_state_tf = rotate(action_state_tf)        state_tf = flip(state_tf, 'vertical')        action_state_tf = flip(action_state_tf, 'vertical')        index = np.where(action_state_tf == 1)        action_tf = (int(index[0]), int(index[1]))        equalStates.append(state_tf)        equalActions.append(action_tf)                        return equalStates, equalActions            def addNewState(self, env_, currentMove): # 若当前状态不在Q表中,则新增状态         state = env_.state if currentMove == 'blue' else self.overTurn(env_.state) # 如果是红方行动则翻转状态         eqStates, eqActions = self.genEqualStateAndAction(state, (0,0))                  for one in eqStates:             if str(one) not in self.Q_table:                 self.Q_table[str(one)] = {}                 actions = self.getEmptyPos(one)                 for action in actions:                     self.Q_table[str(one)][str(action)] = 0                def epsilon_greedy(self, env_, currentMove): # ε-贪心策略        state = env_.state if currentMove == 'blue' else self.overTurn(env_.state) # 如果是红方行动则翻转状态        Q_Sa = self.Q_table[str(state)]        maxAction, maxValue, otherAction = [], -100, []         for one in Q_Sa:            if Q_Sa[one] > maxValue:                maxValue = Q_Sa[one]        for one in Q_Sa:            if Q_Sa[one] == maxValue:                maxAction.append(str2tuple(one))            else:                otherAction.append(str2tuple(one))                try:            action_pos = random.choice(maxAction) if random.random() > self.EPSILON else random.choice(otherAction)        except: # 处理从空的otherAction中取值的情况            action_pos = random.choice(maxAction)         action = {'mark':currentMove, 'pos':action_pos}        return action            def updateQtable(self, env_, currentMove, done_):                judge = (currentMove == 'blue' and self.lastState_blue is None) or \                (currentMove == 'red' and self.lastState_red is None)        if judge: # 边界情况1:若agent无上一状态,说明是游戏中首次动作,那么只需要新增状态就好,无需更新Q值            self.addNewState(env_, currentMove)            return                        if done_: # 边界情况2:若当前状态S_是终止状态,则无需把S_添加至Q表格中,直接令maxQ_S_a = 0,并同时更新双方Q值            for one in ['blue', 'red']:                S = self.lastState_blue  if one == 'blue' else self.lastState_red                a = self.lastAction_blue if one == 'blue' else self.lastAction_red                eqStates, eqActions = self.genEqualStateAndAction(S, a)                R = self.lastReward_blue if one == 'blue' else self.lastReward_red                # print('lastState S:\n', S)                # print('lastAction a: ', a)                # print('lastReward R: ', R)                # print('\n')                maxQ_S_a = 0                for S, a in zip(eqStates, eqActions):                    self.Q_table[str(S)][str(a)] = (1 - self.ALPHA) * self.Q_table[str(S)][str(a)] \                                                    + self.ALPHA * (R + self.GAMMA * maxQ_S_a)            return                  # 其他情况下:Q表无当前状态则新增状态,否则直接更新Q值        self.addNewState(env_, currentMove)        S_ = env_.state if currentMove == 'blue' else self.overTurn(env_.state)        S = self.lastState_blue  if currentMove == 'blue' else self.lastState_red        a = self.lastAction_blue if currentMove == 'blue' else self.lastAction_red        eqStates, eqActions = self.genEqualStateAndAction(S, a)        R = self.lastReward_blue if currentMove == 'blue' else self.lastReward_red        # print('lastState S:\n', S)        # print('State S_:\n', S_)        # print('lastAction a: ', a)        # print('lastReward R: ', R)        # print('\n')        Q_S_a = self.Q_table[str(S_)]        maxQ_S_a = -100         for one in Q_S_a:            if Q_S_a[one] > maxQ_S_a:                maxQ_S_a = Q_S_a[one]        for S, a in zip(eqStates, eqActions):             self.Q_table[str(S)][str(a)] = (1 - self.ALPHA) * self.Q_table[str(S)][str(a)] \                                            + self.ALPHA * (R + self.GAMMA * maxQ_S_a)                                                                                        env = gym.make('TicTacToeEnv-v0')game = Game(env)time_start = time.time()for i in range(10000):    print('episode', i)    game.run()time_consume = time.time() - time_startQ_table = game.agent.Q_table# 保存字典with open('Q_table_dict.pkl', 'wb') as f:     pickle.dump(Q_table, f)
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经过了上述优化,agent能够在一轮对局中更新16个Q值,比起上一节 强化学习实战 | 表格型Q-Learning玩井字棋(二)开始训练! 中的更新2个Q值要多8倍,不妨就玩1万局游戏,看看是否能玩出之前玩8万局游戏的效果。





这效果也太好了吧!不但呈现出了完美的对称,还有泾渭分明的胜负判断: 第一步走四边就稳了,走四角和走中间都是输面大(PS:上网一搜,井字棋最优策略居然是占角!这学了个寂寞!是因为训练量少了吗?我多次尝试了从0开始训练1万局游戏,得到的先手开局的策略差异很大,有时agent甚至会学到认为开局占中必胜的策略。不过此一时彼一时,错误的东西也有被记录的价值,乱象也是现象)。



引入了更复杂的trick,确实是完美地争取到了一些收益,但玩一局游戏的时间一定是增加了,增加了多少呢?我们用上一节的老算法和本节的算法分别跑2000局游戏,记录一下时间(本人使用的CPU是:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H)。






import pickle# 读取字典try:       with open('Q_table_dict.pkl', 'rb') as f:        Q_table_pkl = pickle.load(f)except:    Q_table_pkl = {}.....env = gym.make('TicTacToeEnv-v0')game = Game(env)time_start = time.time()for i in range(1):    print('episode', i)    game.run()Q_table = game.agent.Q_table# 保存字典with open('Q_table_dict.pkl', 'wb') as f:     pickle.dump(Q_table, f)


学习率设置为0.01,分两个阶段训练:前20万次,设置试探几率 ε = 0.2 以尽量访问到所有合法状态;后20万次,设置 ε = 0.05 以减小波动。完毕后查看一下先手状态下的Q值:





后文:强化学习实战 | 表格型Q-Learning玩井字棋(四)游戏时间
